The Gift of Peace
In this talk from our Carol Service, Dave talks about the gift of peace and how we receive it
Christmas Gifts
As we hit December, Alex talks about our approach to gifts and the original Christmas gift.
The I Am Statements of Jesus: Part 7 - I Am The Bread of Life
We are looking at these special "I Am" statements made by Jesus, exploring what this says about him and what it means for us.
In this Bible Study, Dave looks at the passage in John 6, where Jesus says, "I Am the bread of life”. We think about what this means for us today and ask God to help us learn how to be sustained on the life Jesus has for us.
The I Am Statements of Jesus: Part 6 - I Am The Way
We are looking at these special "I Am" statements made by Jesus, exploring what this says about him and what it means for us.
In this Bible Study, Dave looks at the passage in John 11, where Jesus says, "I Am the resurrection”. We think about what this means for us today and in eternity.
The I Am Statements of Jesus: Part 5 - I Am The Resurrection
We are looking at these special "I Am" statements made by Jesus, exploring what this says about him and what it means for us.
In this Bible Study, Dave looks at the passage in John 11, where Jesus says, "I Am the resurrection”. We think about what this means for us today and in eternity.
The I Am Statements of Jesus: Part 4 - I Am The Alpha and The Omega
We are looking at these special "I Am" statements made by Jesus, exploring what this says about him and what it means for us.
Today Alex looks at the only I Am statement Jesus makes after the resurrection - that he is the Alpha and the Omega. Alex talks about what this means for us in our everyday lives.
The I Am Statements of Jesus: Part 3 - I Am The True Vine
We are looking at these special "I Am" statements made by Jesus, exploring what this says about him and what it means for us.
Today Joe looks at the passage in John 15, where Jesus says, "I Am the true vine”. He helps us consider what the agricultural metaphor tells us about God and how he is at work in our life.
The I Am Statements of Jesus: Part 2 - I Am The Good Shepherd
We are looking at these special "I Am" statements made by Jesus, exploring what this says about him and what it means for us.
The I Am Statements of Jesus: Part 1 - Before Abraham was, I Am
We are looking at these special "I Am" statements made by Jesus, exploring what this says about him and what it means for us.
Be A Blessing
This Sunday we were joined by our friend, Stephan Hodonou from Wiggertal Vineyard in Switzerland.
Contemplating Church Part 2
As we start a new academic year, Dave talks about how we understand, explain and communicate our priorities and purpose.
Contemplating Church Part 1
As we start a new academic year, Dave talks about how we understand, explain and communicate our priorities and purpose.
The Shrewd Manager (Mind Blowing Parables 5)
As we continue looking at some of Jesus's parables Alex looks at what Jesus is saying about division and unity, within nations, society, churches and ourselves.
The Strong Man (Mind Blowing Parables 4)
As we continue looking at some of Jesus's parables Alex looks at what Jesus is saying about division and unity, within nations, society, churches and ourselves.
The Growing Seed (Mind Blowing Parables 3)
In this talk Dave looks at what Jesus is saying about the non-performative and hidden nature of the Kingdom of God.
The Workers in the Vineyard (Mind Blowing Parables 2)
In this session Dave guides us through a Bible Study to look at the Parable of the Vineyard Workers.
The Hidden Treasure (Mind Blowing Parables 1)
We’re looking at some of Jesus's parables, especially ones that seem somewhat shocking. In this talk Dave looks at the Parable of the Hidden Treasure - and the ethical ambiguity of our common reading.
The Romans Course: 2. Sin
We are studying the book of Romans, following the resource The Romans Course from the Bible Society. Today Dave looks at the first three chapters of Romans to think about the problem of a universe broken by sin.
Odd numbered sessions are being done in Hubs and you can watch the relevant videos yourself on the Bible Society’s website if you register for the course and check out their Small Group Resources.
Part 5: Neighbourhood
During Lent we are thinking about the difference Easter makes in every aspect of our lives. In this session Adam and Hannah talk about how God places us in our neighbourhoods to make a difference.
Part 4: Family
During Lent we are thinking about the difference Easter makes in every aspect of our lives. Today Ruth talks about how God is working in our families - whether ones we are born into or ones we create ourselves.