About Us
Our purpose is best captured by the Biblical idea of ‘discipleship’.
We want to be a church that encourages and helps people be ‘disciples’, which is the process of being transformed into the person God created us to be and learning to live a Jesus-sized life.
We want the activities and practices of our church to help encourage and facilitate discipleship.
We have three different environments for this:
Sunday Service - twice a month, on the first and third Sundays, we gather as a whole church family. We start with a time to hang out and catch up over a breakfast, before we enter a time of sung worship, Bible teaching and prayer. There are separate activities for children as well.
Hubs - these are smaller communities within the church who meet throughout the month to be church over a meal. These are informal places to deepen relationships, receive and give support, and be encouraged in our faith. Different Hubs meet at different times and rhythms, and each Hub will have a slightly different feel as they are shaped by the people in them. You can see details of our current Hubs here.
Discipleship Groups - these are smaller groups of 3 to 5 people who meet fortnightly around the two ‘Discipleship Questions’: What is God saying to me? And what am I going to do about it? These groups are an intentional and pro-active step to respond to Jesus’ invitation to ‘Follow Me’ and step out of a life lived on default.
Young people are fully part of our church and are involved in Hubs and Sunday services.
We also do a number of monthly activities for young people, split into different age groups. These are fun times to help build a community of friendships and to encourage our young people to discover their own relationship with God. Get in touch for more information.
Compassion Ministries
We have a number of teams that work to help and support others.
The Crosslines team provide a weekly hot meal for the homeless and vulnerably housed community.
The Refugee House team work with two other local churches in the Government's refugee resettlement scheme, so far helping two Syrian families move from refugee camps to start a new life in Exeter.
We champion the work of Home For Good, helping to support and encourage people considering or engaged in fostering and adoption.
Finally, we partner with Exeter Foodbank to support their important local work.
Meet the Team