Youth Weekend Away

On the second weekend of October 13 teenagers and 3 helpers headed up to North Devon for our fourth annual Youth Weekend Away. Despite forecasts of rain it stayed dry all weekend, allowing for some fun messing around on the beach (no swimming this year, because it was very, very cold!)

This year we were joined by PJ who, wearing her RePhrase hat, came and did three sessions on self-esteem, body image, social media, healthy relationships (and red flags) and the harm of porn. The young people really enjoyed this and the interactive sessions were thought provoking and informative.

Please be praying for our young people, who live in a fast-changing world, as they discover and live out the wonderful good news about Jesus.

Messy Church

Messy Church is a national movement of doing church in a slightly different way. It’s a church service, with prayer, worship, hospitality and teaching, but not quite what you might expect. It’s a very welcoming and accessible monthly gathering, with creative, family-friendly activities that help people of all ages think about God.

We’ve been doing for almost 3 years at Exeter Vineyard. However, just over a year ago the team considered calling it a day… Messy Church took lots and lots of work and it felt like there wasn’t really much of a demand. Certainly the dream of welcoming families from outside Vineyard didn’t seem to be happening. However, when they prayed, the team felt like they should give it a couple more months before stopping. In those couple of months suddenly a lot of new families started coming and a really sense of community started to build!

Now the majority of people who come aren’t from Exeter Vineyard and, in fact, we’ve started to see some of the families we’ve met through Messy Church get involved in other areas Exeter Vineyard.

Please pray for Messy Church and all the people, especially the children, who enjoy our time together.

If you would like to check one out, they are held on the Saturday of the second weekend at the Beacon Centre from 10:30, and finish with lunch together. The next few dates are: 9th November, 7th December and 11th January.


Sunday Service Timing

A reminder - we’re now serving the breakfast pastries and hot drinks at 10:15 and moving into the worship service at around 10:45. This is just to allow a bit more space in the service to respond to God and open up opportunities for prayer or words of encouragement, without feeling rushed or running over.

Christmas Service - 15th December

Our Christmas Service is a fun, get into the festive mood service. For the first hour there is a Children’s Christmas Party running at the same time as carols, readings and a short talk in the main hall. For the last half-an-hour we all come together for some Christmas silliness.

We’re also setting up a Nativity photo-booth, with dressing up costumes for all ages. This is a chance to get a Christmas photo with friends and family. This is open for 30 minutes before and after the service.

The Christmas Service is a great opportunity to invite friends. You can download a flyer here to send to them digitally or we have physical flyers at the Sunday service.

Christmas Service - St. Leonard’s School. 4:00 - 5:30pm, followed by seasonal refreshments

Carol Service - 22nd December

This is a shorter, more traditional service of carols. Feel free to invite friends and family. There will be no separate children’s activities.

Carol Service - St. Leonard’s School. 4 - 5pm, with refreshments afterwards.

Special Christmas Dates and Times

These are our Christmas plans (there will be a normal Sunday service on 1st Dec):

  • Monday 9 December - Crosslines Christmas Meal (details here)

  • Sunday 15 December - Christmas Service
    St. Leonard’s School. 4:00 - 5:30pm, followed by seasonal refreshments.
    For the first two-thirds of the service there will be separate Christmas Party for children and a main service for youth and adults. At the end we’ll combine for a bit of Christmas themed fun. Bring family and friends!

  • Sunday 22 December - Carol Service
    St. Leonard’s School. 4 - 5pm, with refreshments afterwards.
    A more traditional service of carols and readings. No separate children or youth activities. Invite guests.


Sun 3 Nov - Sunday Service, 10:30 @ St. Leonard’s

Sat 9 Nov - Messy Church, 10:30 @ The Beacon Centre

Sat 9 Nov - Elevate (Youth) - social, details tbc

Sun 17 Nov - Sunday Service, 10:30 @ St. Leonard’s

Sun 1 Dec - Sunday Service, 10:30 @ St. Leonard’s

Mon 9 Dec - Crossline’s Christmas Meal

Sun 15 Dec - Christmas Service with Children’s Party, 4pm @ St. Leonard’s

Sun 22 Dec - Carol Service, 4pm @ St. Leonard’s


