Hobbies and Careers
We continue to think about God's involvement in our everyday lives. Today Lizzie and Sally share about how they have discovered God in different aspects of their lives.
Homes and Help
We are thinking about how we can connect to God in our everyday life; how we notice him, worship him, work with him, and draw our resources from him. Today we think about our homes and neighbourhoods, and serving people when they’re having a hard time.
God In Our Everyday
We start our final series on the five different securities of a disciple. For the next few weeks we are talking about being Secure in Everyday Life - how we discover God in our ordinary life, how we turn our normal moments to worship and how we depend on God's resources instead of our own to thrive in each and every day.
A Discipleship Group Session
Having spoken about discipleship groups for a number of weeks, today we go through what actually happens in a discipleship group session.
Spiritual Reading the Bible
We continue our series about being church that makes disciples. Today we think about a slightly different approach to reading the Bible, not to learn information, but to give space for God to speak to us
God’s Goodness is Good
What does God really want us to do with our lives? Is saying yes to him desirable or even safe? What ideas about God do we have rattling around at the back of our head which might make it hard to trust him? Today Dave thinks about God's goodness and how this enables us to take steps of discipleship.
Individual and Unique
We continue our series about being church that makes disciples. Today Dave talks about how God has an individual call for each of us, and how, when we mostly do church in large crowds or groups, it’s harder to know what God’s unique next step might be for each of us.
Spiritual Food
Today we think about how we receive nourishment and resources for our discipleship journey by looking at what Jesus said gave him energy - to know and do the will of his Father.
Empowered to be a Disciple
This week Dave thinks about how we understand church. We think about the task Jesus set the church - to make disciples - and how this is something God is doing with each of us.
God’s At Work Around You
Today Adam talks about how God places each of us right in the centre of what he’s doing in the lives of those around us and all we have to do is be open to joining in.
Our Bigger Story
As we start to think about God's good news that we find security in, we start to look at the ultimate good news; the end of the story where God makes everything good! Today Dave talks about how this all fits together with what the Bible teaches and the world we see around us.
God’s Self-Revelation
The only way we know about God he is because he chooses to reveal himself to us. The way he does this helps us understand the sort of relationship he wants with us - even if it sometimes feels strange or unexpected.